Thursday, July 27, 2006

update update

my old frenchie look huhu!

hello everyone

hum..long quiet eh? mommy just moved to a new company..let me tell ua secret..
she actually hate the job..not the place..just the job..she is forced to do things she never like.. yeah..well some mis-communicationthere.. end up..she stuck..heh kesian her

a little about me though.. i'm now staying over temporarily at my aunty pit house.
i play wit mia everyday and yani took care of us..ya there's also fara n fared to play with us from noon onwards. mommy office is at the same building as aunty pit office .. so they go office together.. but mommy always reach home first cos she dun like stay there longer.

i now can stand but i still need to hold on something..trying my best to stand on my own..but i always land on my comfy mamy-poko bum. yeah and i'm 'merangkak-ing' now.. and faster..

oh ya and..the ugliest part is..i got a major hair-do..i no longer look like frenchy eiffel..i now look like gemok eiffel now huhu.. i never had hair this short ever in my life..i was born with blessed long hair i'm hairless err or shud i say less hair. My dad n uncle ndar did those to me while we in krai last week.

i got a new auntie rozie..who married to uncle ndar late last month.she's going back to holland to study..and uncle ndar will follow on soon.maybe i shud go there n visit them sometime..and stop by at my eiffel tower in paris..oh ya..

another bad news.. dad start new work on 1st august..after so many postpon-ing.. and that is the same day me suppose go bali with mommy gang. and plus.. mommy told me money is very tight. cos new house is ready n they need thousands of ringgit for the new house.. she just can't afford anything else.. her money burn for ticket..she is sad u know.. but she kept encouraging her friends to enjoy bali as much.. i hope money is stable later so me can go "tai tai" with me mommy n me daddy

mommy is also looking for new if u have any job to offer her please email her ya..she do web design, multimedia stuff and she like event mgmt or things like that...i think.
me.. i am okay..i dun ask for weird thing from mommy.. i understand her situation.. so i stick to my milk, porridge n mami-poko.

owh have i told u that i'll be 11 next two days? 11 month ya..not 11 years old. :P
and soon i shall have my first bday ever..but no bday party.. we'll go back jb and kenduri my arwah atuk "boot boot". he passed away a year before i exist.

hum..wat else..oh ya.. dad had to get another car cos he will work so far away from mommy n me.. they went separate road to work.. this tighten the budget. so dad bought a car called neo from uncle iwan. uncle iwan sell cars.

okay i think that would be all for now..i shall update here in the nearest time ya
meanwhile.. can u pls ask the stupid israel to stop killing kids? why arent they called terrorist when they kill innocent ppl? how cruel!