Monday, June 23, 2008

tok ma visits!

my brother raul iman

my tokma and a-chu came to johor to visit my brother and me.. they took train from kelantan and arrive on monday morning. mommy go pick them up while i was in school..they stayed for 4 days. mommy bring tokma around shopping and dining... we had a lot of fun! tok ma said raul look like daddy when he was small.. except that daddy was darker when he was little.

i miss them..

owh before that...on the friday n saturday, abe came with his wife aunty rini to jb too.. they send daddy car. we went to find dvd for rm4 each..i bought power rangers dvd.. mommy bought about 10 dvd with daddy.. abe bought 3 dvd.. then we also went holiday plaza jalan jalan.. we went dining.. abe also went back by train to kl.