Wednesday, August 16, 2006

H for Hello

ello friends….

Mommy bring me to clinic yesterday..
I had a fever.. Doctor said its 38.5… slight-high fever.. and he said I have some tonsil infection.. There are some white spots.. and my tonsil is very reddish.
He gave me 1 paracetamol and 1 antibiotic which I’m allowed to take.
Mommy put me on the weigh machine and its official I weigh 8.9kilo… is that good?
I’ll be 1 in exactly thirteen days from today.. I learn to stand.. And talk on handphone.. I learn a cool move dance from my cousin Mia.. We move automatically when we here some music.. Sometimes I can control myself..
Dad also came by to take care of me.. I was crying again and again cos my body seems uncomfortable and my throat soars… especially when I cried.. dad cheer me up.. mommy took care of me when I cried, auntie pit send me to clinic and uncle meor is also sick..
But this morning..i’m happy to tell you all.. I felf a bit better..with all the love they gave me last nite.. :)
Yani the maid went back for holiday in with her family in Indonesia. Hope she’s having a wonderful time..


Mamapinkie said...

Eiffel, hello from mama Ridhwan...gosh, you are so big now and looking more handsome as you grow bigger! Ridhwan says H for Hi to you! Heehee...hope you are feeling better yea...mama eiffel, 38.5 is considered quite hot as when Ridhwan was in the ward last time, the nurse would have given him a sponge bath with that temperature...anyway, always monitor eiffel's temp yea mama eiffel, normal range would be 36.8 - 37.4...above 37.4 dah considered demam at SJMC..we don wan it to shoot up to high as when little boys are sick it can just go up without us knowing kan...okay, take care yea mama eiffel and eiffel too!

Anonymous said...

eiffel, lepas balik demam nanti makan banyak2 okay.. sebab Izani baru 4 bulan, tapi I think he is probably 7 kilo dah.

.eiffel.amani. said...

dear aunty reeny..
thank you for your advise.. i will make sure i'm cool..if not will ask mommy gimme sponge-bath hehe mcm spongebob pulak..

dear aunty elisa...
my mom can't cook like u..u cook very nice food.. thats why i'm kudut hehehhe... can u cook for me too? so i can be big like izani??

Anonymous said...

Lil' cha cha had fever last week n now she has just recover fm demam and she's like kemaruk nak makan ha ha

and U eiffel aunty hope u'll get well soon. cepat besar ok!

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