Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

i've been tagged (mommy)

Aunty Sity Tagged my mommy...

6 weird stuff about her.. :D
Introduction.. my mommy mmg known to be weird by many of her the top weird 6 goes like this

  1. Mommy is coke addict.. if she sakit perot..she drinks coke.. then she'll be ok.. ubat doesnt work with her tummy.. bukak puasa also she look for coke.. if she is so busy..give her coke n choc..good enough for her to survive.. once upon a time she will mengigil if she tak drink coke for a day... and plus..she only drinks coke or pepsi(terpaksa).. other gassy drink is to sweet for her.. even sprite.. so she dun like gassy drink..except coke n pepsi only.

  2. she dun eat weird vege..mcm ulam la.. pucuk itu ini lah..she only takes glamour sayur mcm sawi, kangkung, those name is known by her consider glamer la.. but she dun take salad and timun, and taugeh, oh ya..she only eat vege with white rice.. kalau ada sayur dlm nasik goreng, mee goreng..she dun eat.. weird mom.. and she keep feeding me timun .. isk

  3. she tak makan "tauhu".. becos its white.. but she eat tahu bakar.. just tahu bakar.. others tahu she dun eat..she dun drink milk becos its white too.. she loves color in her food.. but most of it..she dun eat..she just like the color... white is a no no in her food.. even nasik..will turn hitam..cos she pores a lot of kicap kipas udang.. her rice is never white..
  4. she tak eat laksa penang anywhere...except one laksa penang cooked by aunty nina's mommy dulu.. she since then never eat laksa penang elsewhere.. tak sedap die kata.. only one person can make it perfectly..mak aunty nina..
  5. she have a lot of koyak baju and pants... but she tak jahit it... she just stapler it.. hahhaha
  6. she always managed to get discount bila makan...esp at canteen office MTDC.. mesti die sorang dpt lain mesti mahal...walaupun they pick the same food ... she got food discount charm without even saying anything.. she oso dunno why..but she is very thankful for that.. everyone else..envy this

okay thats about it.. she used to be more weird.. like mesti kentut bila masuk aunty sity room hahha dunno why.. she sings negaraku in toilet becos thats the only song she hafal the lyric.. if she nak sing..she tulis lirik and tampal dlm toilet she can shower n sing perfectly hahha..
she also dulu kalau pergi interview tak mandi..surely she'll get the job hahha.. but now..after married and have me.. she no longer that weird.. but still weird in someway..

the picture below my weird dad... :D
this was done years years ago..when he still have hairs on his head...
mommy found this in her mail archive..
he sent to her last time..
cos he think this photo is heroic to make my mommy cair kononnya heheh
both my parents are weird.. the suits each other.. haha
i hope i grow being weird like them...cos u know.. they are one of a kind..

Friday, March 09, 2007

my song to you....

ur my honeybun sugarplum

pumpy yumpy yumpkin

ur my sweetie pie

ur my cuppy cake

gum drops

snikem spikem

ur the apple of my eye

and i love u so

and i wanna u to know

that i always be rite here

and i love to sing

this song to you





i love you mommy...i love dad
we lovey ovey eachy othey okieee!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

a girl name amani

if i'm were a girl.. wont u melt looking at me ?
;0) wink wink!

trip down south

firstly i would like to wish a belated san lin fai lok..hong pow lo lei... to all my chinese fan like ah yee mayee... :D

the holiday..we make a trip down to south..balik kem-pung jb.. but we stop by pd for one nite..stayed at something beach resort.. the one with man made big big swimming pool..

it was fun! swim swim swim.. until my lips turn blue!! with my sexy swimming trunk huhu.. but sorry i cant publish that here.. censored..tak tutup aurat lah..

nnti peminat i pengsan heheheh..

so here is my click click masa makan huhu

eiffel : hum.. wat t order ya
dad: eleh si kecik nih mcm la pandai baca

eiffel : hum this page look yummy
dad : eh over lah plak.. dah lapar nih nak order

Gendang gendut tali kecapi.kenyang peruut senang hati... teddooorrrr!

i got a driving license

Hi, I'm Eiffel the truck driver.. i pick up passenger like BOB here to work.

One fine day, i was driving BOB around..

Then i saw the unexpected!!!

JPJ stops me.. my license F( Traktor/ jentera bergerak ringan(beroda) oredi expired..
so....Kene saman from my Dad and checked by Unker Farid

so now..i drive green cabbie in klcc..makes more $$ lah! huhu