Thursday, May 01, 2008

My new Bro

hi friends and family..
i'm officially a big bro to my small bro..
I'm eiffel amani b. affindi
my lil bro is called
raul iman b. affindi
he was born on 24th april 2008 - at johor specialist - 12.30 am
>>>>> OPPPS CORRECTION 28/04/2008
he was 3.14 in weight and 49cm long ( exactly like me when i was born)
so.. check his blog soon.. he's only 4 days old today.. so give it some time..
and soon.. you'll meet him officially at

salam from big bro eiffel !


sitynuress said...

28 ke 24?
makcik dah confuse ni

Anonymous said...

28!!! hahahhahaha
macam mana buley salah niii aduiiii