Tuesday, May 30, 2006


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Main Entry: clap
Pronunciation: 'klap
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): clapped also clapt; clap·ping
Etymology: Middle English clappen, from Old English clæppan to throb; akin to Old High German klaphOn to beat
transitive senses
1 : to strike (as two flat hard surfaces) together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise
2 a : to strike (the hands) together repeatedly usually in applause b : APPLAUD

Sorry for the bad video lighting and blur..mommy won't hire the professional for my once in a blue moon act!

hey you know...today i found out some cool things i could do..ya i know i can blog and all but this is fascinating!!! i can finally clap my hand!! isn't this kewl?? when i'm happy, or singing or dreaming...i love to clap.. all this while mommy had to put my hand together..and now..i'm clapping on my own mommy... next time i shall be one of the greatest 'clapper' in universeeeeee ehehehhehe.. a lil exaggerating won't hurt anyone..

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