Friday, December 29, 2006


salam aidiladha to all muslims babies...

and happy new year 2007 to all babies...

and happy holiday to everyone..

wat's your new resolution?

to love...and be love...
more more more!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Advice from Dr Lurv...(me)

Dr love...on the move bebeh!

To all mommy and daddy out there..have a better relationship.

"Mignon McLaughlin: A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."

Unselfishness. Selfishness is at the root of most marriage problems. For a marriage to work, both partners need to put the happiness of the other before their own. That's real love—the kind that lasts.

Forgiveness. A readiness to forgive is a key to a solid, secure marriage. Be quick to apologize for any hurtful words or actions you may have directed at your wife or husband.

Consideration. Being considerate of each other's feelings, likes and dislikes, time, and energy not only says "I love you" in a most convincing and endearing way, but it also relieves stress, prevents friction, and keeps lots of little problems from ever happening.

Affection. You'd be surprised at how many marriages fall short because of a lack of outward affection. Vocal expressions of your love for one another are also important, but sometimes touching, kissing, and hugging can convey love and reassurance even better. They are physical manifestations of inward feelings.

Equality. Equality means involving each other in decisions, parenting your children together, and sharing financial and household responsibilities, but it goes deeper than that. It's not just a matter of scheduling or dividing the workload equally, but of valuing and respecting each other so each one's strengths can come to the fore.

Admiration. Few things boost self-esteem or make people want to succeed in the truly important things of life more than hearing that their good qualities are noticed and admired. Sharpen your appreciation of the wonderful person you married, and watch him or her become even more wonderful.

A sense of humor. "A merry heart does good, like medicine" Lighten up a little and you'll find that most of the everyday inconveniences, annoyances, and problems you face aren't so bad after all.

"Ogden Nash:

To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong admit it;
Whenever you're right shut up..."

busy bee

Ladies and Gentleman..

with this stick..I present to you


How to make cookies

Just add all the ingredients

into mommy pan... thats all..

then mommy will cook with this periuk ...

penat la buat cookies.. milky time..

i met mickey, minnie n donald

i met them! i shake hand wit them..and i took photo wit them!!!
well not in disney..just in OU.. but i m still happy...
i watch them at disney channel..and now..i finally meet them..they are huge!!!
i am suprised!
they are as big as mommy...

i bake cookies

My Fish

My Sun Shape Cookie

My Cookies

My Elephunk Cookie

My TMNET aka hyppo cookie?

this is my first few cookies i baked at kinderland..
its delicous and cute.. i use my small hand to mix the dough and other ingrediants.. i love it!
then teacher help me to make the shapes and sprinkles some stars...
teacher baked it..and pack it up for me.. mommy and daddy loves it..
although mommy found a piece of hair inside one of my cookies hehhehehehe..
so..anyone want to order cookies from eiffel the chef?
and yeah.. the day before.. i did my first real colouring!! i colored the fish!!!
dad n aunty pit wasn't so convince i did the painting..cos its so nice..
but yeah..i got litle tiny weeny help from abang ( kinderland owner's son)

Friday, December 22, 2006

me.. a girl or boy?

i've got some photo of my activities in kinderland this week..but mommy didn't bring the cable to transfer my picture..i hope mommy will post it next week.. pls wait ya..cos its so kewl!

anyway.. here are some of me click-click for you to review... i sometimes look like a i??????
pls tell me no...

eiffel :dad..can i wear a skirt like mommy?
dad : huh.. dun u ever try!!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Mommy loves ILDivo.. and yeah they are coming to malaysia...
and she berangan wants to go to their concert in KLCC convention centre...
today in newspaper..they advertise the mommy browsed the to see how much the ticket..and to her suprise.. its 1000 and 1500 ringgit... CCCCRAAAZZZIIEE!
i think they have rm500 anf 800 but seems to be sold out...
how can she afford even if its 500 ringgit ticket..
why so expensive.. so poor ppl can't see the fav concert.. its only for rich and famous.. :(
she is so sad...
i am sad for her too.. nevermind mommy..i'll sing and do chicken dance for you okay...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bina Peribadi Waktu Makan

Pakar motivasi bebas Ustaz Sobri Abd. Rani menyarankan agar ibu
bapa menjadikan waktu makan sekeluarga sebagai waktu untuk
membetulkan kehidupan atau membina peribadi anak-anak. Kerana waktu
makan adalah program bersahaja yang besar impaknya dalam hidup.
Antara didikan yang boleh diterapkan kepada anak-anak pada waktu

1. Tunggu orang yang paling tua

"Kalau ada ayah, suapan pertama hendaklah dimulakan oleh ayah. Kalau
tidak ada ayah, emak dulu. Rahsia di sebaliknya, bila dikekalkan
begitu selama tiga bulan, akan tumbuh di hati anak rasa hormat
kepada yang lebih tua walaupun di luar pandangan kita. Jadi kalau
kita hendak tahu macam mana anak kita di luar pandangan kita, tengok
waktu makan."

2.Baca bismalah dan guna tangan kanan

"Anak kita tidak akan sanggup untuk memasukkan makanan ke mulut atau
memegang sesuatu yang bukan haknya. Yang biasa dia ambil masuk ke
mulut dengan nama Allah dan biasa memegang yang halal dengan tangan
kanan. Melalui amalan yang mudah ini, roh kita dimonitor oleh
syariat. Amalan ini tak perlu pada tenaga dan wang ringgit yang
banyak tapi perlu pada kesabaran dan istiqamah."

3. Ambil lauk terdekat dulu

"Bagi cubitan lauk yang pertama, ambil yang paling dekat. Kenapa?
Melatih sabar. Kali kedua jika hendak ambil yang jauh tak mengapa,
itu dikira usaha ikhtiar untuk dapat yang lebih baik. Ia
mempengaruhi corak kehidupan dan corak kita bekerja.

"Kalau ayah atau ibu hendak membina sifat penyayang, ambil lauk yang
pertama letak di pinggan anak. Memang anak akan rasa lain. Kalau dia
tak mahu lauk itu tak mengapa tapi kita memberi tu yang mustahak.
Kalau kita buat macam itu, dia juga akan jadi macam itu pada orang
lain. Kita sudah bina masyarakat penyayang di dalam rumah kita.
Malah untuk latih anak cinta pada saudaranya yang lain, itulah

4. Kawal suapan

"Bila ambil makanan untuk suap ke mulut, jangan diangkat suapan
seterusnya selagi di dalam mulut itu belum ditelan. Sesudah ditelan,
baru angkat suapan seterusnya masuk ke mulut. Untuk apa? Melatih
jangan tamak dan bersifat qanaah – mencukupi apa yang ada. Atau
lebih tepat, melatih syukur terhadap apa yang Allah kurniakan."
Ustaz Sobri berkata, "Perkara ini kalau dilatih betul-betul, ia
akan menumbuhkan sifat-sifat mulia di dalam diri. Sebab makan adalah
perkara yang kita benar-benar buat dengan hati, sebab itu ia
mempengaruhi roh."

Got this fowarded by Reeny. Enjoy healthy lifestyle with you children :D

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

the happy baby

I am sick rite now.. but this baby makes me laugh n clap n brings up my goodie mood..
enjoy this!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

2 years it is..and going

yesterday, mark 2 years annivesary of mommy n daddy as hubby and wifey..

i would like to wish them happiness and loveness till death do them part or till god permits them so..

i love you both from the bottom of my eyes :D and smile :)

cheeky me.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Things a Man Should Know: About Fatherhood

Dedicate this to all daddy, papa, ayah, abah, ba, wawa, walid's in the world..

1. Don't worry, your dad didn't know what he was doing, either.

2. No, no--not that Spock!

3. Second thought, maybe you should worry.

4. Never tell anybody that you and your wife are "trying."
We really don't need the visual, that's why.

5. Never tell anybody where your child was conceived, how long it took, or what song was playing.

6. Do not name your baby after cities, geographical points of interest, features of the solar system, seasons, plants, animals, or current television stars. --- which u already did :P

7. Your child, at birth, already has a deeply complicated relationship with his mother, and, for the first year, you are only a curiosity.
For a couple of years after that, an amusement-park ride.
Then, a referee.
And finally, a bank.

8. If you want to subject your son to the unkindest cut, insist on a local anesthetic, since many pediatricians don't bother to use one.
The anesthetic is for the kid.

9. Baby gas is lessened with a good nipple connection during feeding, which decreases air intake.
Assuring that his lower lip is flipped out, not pursed, helps.

10. There is nothing wrong with thumb-sucking, which helps ease the pain of teething.
Nonetheless, it probably ought to stop by kindergarten.

11. Diaper-rash remedy: Expose baby's hydraulics to the air until dry. Soak baby's bottom in tepid water with a half cup baking soda. Then, Balmex. Or Lotrimin. Rediaper.

12. You know how they say you'll get used to diapers? You won't.
Unless you wear them a lot.

13. Forcing children to use toilets will make them dislike toilets.
Children begin using toilets when they tire of that not-so-fresh feeling.
Of course, this is long, way long, after you tire of it.

14. The start of crawling: usually begins between six months and twelve months.
Standing: usually between nine and twelve months.
Walking: between twelve and fifteen months.
The onset of the above, as with all developmental skills, is hugely variable among individual children.

15. Avoid walkers, not only because they can be dangerous around stairs but because they don't require a child to balance and thus retard his walking progress.

16. Reason boys are better: They cannot get pregnant.

17. Reason girls are better: They're less likely to get arrested.

18. The threat of an unknown punishment is always more effective than a stated one.

19. Annals of great punishments: Hang dolly from a noose!
That was a joke, Dad, a joke.
Annals of great punishments, for real: making him wash the car, clean the bathroom, and watch The McLaughlin Group.
You see, all great punishments should reduce the number of disagreeable tasks you would otherwise have to perform.

20. Teach by example.

21. Your kids can develop an independent sense of good taste only if they're allowed to make their own mistakes in judgment.

22. Relax: Lots of little boys want a Barbie and a dollhouse.

23. The first time you change your son's diaper and he pees all over you is not an accident. It's foreshadowing.

24. Children of too-strict parents are more likely to develop tics.

25. Let them take reasonable risks: A few scrapes in the long run are nothing compared with the scars left by hovering parents. Or tics.
In preparation for risks: a Red Cross first-aid course.

26. The most common cause of fatal injury among kids between five and nine involves cars, which is to say, hold their hands. And buckle them in.

27. Try to tuck them in every night, too.

28. When changing diapers, avoid baby powder, as it can irritate her lungs.
When changing diapers, definitely don't avoid the Desitin--spread it thick, like Spackle.

29. It never hurts to videotape the baby-sitter.
Especially if she's hot.

30. Never disclose to other parents that you have found a good baby-sitter.

31. Reason boys are better: They cost less, especially their clothes.

32. Reason girls are better: They're less likely to burn, slash, or chew the clothes they have.

33. Overalls are not only cute, they provide a convenient handle.

34. At a certain point, your child will appear to survive exclusively on peanut butter, french fries, Cheerios, and hot dogs.

35. Dropping food on the floor is a new and delightful skill to a one-year-old, not a deliberate attempt to annoy you.
However, as small he or she might be, never underestimate an infant's ability to project chewed food over great distances.

36. The single most important thing a father can possess: Wet-Naps.

37. NOW, more than ever, don't move into a place without laundry facilities.

38. Children's hobbies to nip quickly in the bud: drums, archery, matchbook collecting.

39. Beware your child's uncles, who will teach your kid dirty words, introduce him to liquor, and give him gifts of drums, archery sets, and possibly matches.

40. It is, of course, your natural right to exert the above negative influences on your siblings' offspring.

41. You are under no obligation to tell children the truth.
Lying to children is, in fact, half the fun: "Oh, that tree? That's a yellow-spotted spickle-gruber, of course."
On the other hand, they do remember everything.

42. Sesame Street.

43. Your bedroom door gets a lock. Your teenage son's does not.

44. Lock or no, please knock before entering, as the disruption of a youth who is spanking his monkey will be twice as traumatic for you as it is for him.

45. Other doors to lock: those on the liquor cabinet.

46. There is only one reason for a teenager to burn incense, and we think you remember what it is.

47. Unfortunately, those books that say motherhood makes women desire more sex are referring to women who are not your wife.

48. No matter how wealthy you are, don't buy your kid a car -- offer to match him.
Ditto for other adolescent big-ticket items; teach the little bastard some responsibility!

49. The previous statement proving you are your parents.
Only -- hopefully -- with better fashion sense.

50. Price of a college education for a baby born in 1999: $200,000.

51. If the real response to his question is no, try this instead: "Go ask your mom."

52. DNA tests are 99.9 percent accurate, but check the ears to be absolutely sure.

53. Reason boys are better: Boys start talking later than girls.

54. Reason girls are better: Boys toilet-train later than girls.

55. The twos aren't always terrible.
Even if they are, take heart, as kids aged three to six generally believe their parents are the most amazing beings alive and wish to be exactly like them.
How scary is that?

56. Establishing savings accounts for your kids and requiring them to make regular monthly deposits teaches them how to eventually become J. R Morgan.
The above could prove useful in your dotage.

57. Corny as it sounds, that Harry Chapin guy was right.
Then again, you could argue that W. C. Fields was right, too.

58. It's never too early to begin reading to children.

59. Let them read what they enjoy.

60. Except your porn, which your son will eventually steal unless you hide it really well.
No, you cannot ask for it back.
Furthermore, you cannot steal his.

61. Acceptable reading material: Dr. Seuss, Where the Wild Things Are, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Curious George, and any of the following by Roald Dahl -- James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Danny the Champion of the World.
Neither of the following by Roald Dahl: Kiss, kiss or Switch Bitch.

62. Know that by the time your kids are teens, those enormous baggy pants will be long gone, as will tattoos, piercing, and Marilyn Manson.
Of course, by 2015, kids might very well sever arms and legs as fashion statements.

63. Some parents walk around naked in front of their children.
These parents should stop it.

64. Nearly all psychological problems result from feelings of worthlessness, which is to say, every now and then make sure that you tell your kid he's pretty great.

65. And never raise a hand to him. But being a good guy, you probably knew that.

66. The harder they play, the earlier they sleep.

67. Never turn down an invitation to play.

68. No toys that require batteries.

69. They never really outgrow the claw.
"No, Dad, no! Not the claw!" means "Apply the claw, please."

70. All in all, fatherhood is pretty terrific -- filled with joy and triumph, promise and miracles -- particularly other people's fatherhood.

71. You might think you know a lot about fatherhood, but not as much as you will when you're a grandfather.

72. If you're thinking that fatherhood means the end of life as you've known it, you, sir, are, of course, absolutely correct.

Taken from MSN Lifestyle.

Friday, November 24, 2006

hello again

me n mia in action
during a doa selamat with me family at me new housey.
  • i have grown more teeth now.. i have 3 teeth below.. 4 teeth top..and 2, each at inside.
  • i walk very fast..almost like running.. stable and yeah bend well too..
  • i love watching play-house disney esp, Clay, Higgly Town Heroes, Swosh;Honk and , little einstein, sesame play with me, barney, jojo's circus, and few others..
  • i can kick a ball like my mommy.. but yet to learn how to stop ball.
  • i have new fancy dance move i learn from school and my maktok
  • i know how to big hug and sayang, flying kiss and wave bye bye properly
  • i have a cool orange shoes/slipper that i wore outside me housey
  • i sleep around 9pm or 10pm..and wake up around 5.30 to 6...yup..AM
  • i drink pediasure milk and love nasi goreng! and i eat anything my mom feed me
  • i might be moving to another town next year..yet to be confirm
  • i clap my hand when i listen to nice music.. but i head-bang when i listen to music i fancy..
  • i love me mommy and me daddy!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

eiffel going for noble price

hallo everyone..
today i discover a new mode to calm babies in the morning.
all you need is a tv and astro..turn to channel 63 ( play-house disney)
and all your worries will turn to rainbows..
ur babies will jump up and down. side to side.. or sitting with a mouth opened so wide!
so with this.. i would like to claim my noble prize in my successful quest to solve morning blues for babies around my world.

dr eiffel amani in new blue glasses.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


my grandma house in jb kene break-in.. around 12.30am last nite.. my mak-tok woke up to go wee wee..and she sleeps back.. she feel something not rite.. but too tired to she sleep..
then later she heard a crack at her window..she tot its the bird which usually tumpang tido there..
suddenly..she saw a man entering... with all her energey..she shouted loudly.. the man ask her to keep quiet..but she jump from her bed..and went to the hall...and continuing shouting and she ran to third floor where the maid room is and of course my uncle iwan's room..they all hide inside his room.. and he called police.. then he open his window..and shouted from his room.. i think all of stulang could hear this.. police came only after 20 min.. ( my tok-ma house is 10 min from city centre - maybe some 7 min from a police station!)
they went down and open the gate.. police masuk and check the house.. they geledah rooms upstairs... looking for gold of stuff... and they geledah my uncle wan's car and my tok-ma car..
my tokma room was not touched..her hp..jewellary and stuff..handbag is still there..
at the same time..the pencuri senang hati break-in to other jirans' house..knowing police is busy at my tok-ma house.. they took hp, wallet and stuff... around 3-4 houses kene masuk that same nite... the police got a call from my tok-ma house for another break-in nearby.. and even terjumpa the pencurik... but the pencurik calmly identify himself as pakguard and said there are no robbery there... just my tok-ma house ( gave the house number).... so police went off back to my tok-ma house..
ergh.. so berani the stupid pencurik.. the police pun satu.. erhghghgh

kesian my tok-ma..she is still in shock.. luckily no one was hurt..and nuthing was missing.. but i am very sure my tok-ma is getting a hard time to sleep again at nite.. :(

everyone else.. becareful when ur at home..nowadays..they break in not only at nite my mommy told me..even during daylight..and they are no longer afraid to hurt u.. cos they know police can't do anything..not unless ur some big-shoot menteri or datukship...
always make sure wat u shud do when ur in the same situation.. and always keep ur hp beside u..

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Raya Raya Raya

selamat hari raya to everyone celebrating.

how's ur raya? mine was cool! went back to mommy's kampung, JB to celebrate raya. then went back to dad's kampung on friday to visit tok ma and celebrate raya wit me cousins.
got quite a handsome raya angpow from my aunties and uncles and atoks. kewl!! i like this raya thingy.. the food was also nice.. my favorites are the kerepek or muruku.. yummy yummy.. and sometimes i dig my tummy wit nasik empit/ketupat...
i'm beginning to eat like adults to... not the size..but the food.. i can munch on nasik goreng, nasik n kicap, bihun goreng, and also fries.. heh.. i am growing up well..
the travelling was a bit tiring, sleep half of the time in car, and the rest i spend singing and head banging wit me dad.. else..sleep sleep dream.. and milk..yaaa milk...
i would like to shout out a bday wish for 3 important ppl in my life... my cousin babe mia.. my fav auntie pit and of course my beloved mushy guwwie lovey mommy!! happy bday to you all..

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

selamat ari raye

dengan ini.. saya ingin mengucapkan pre-selamat ari raya kepada semua gefren2 saya dan bro2 saya di mana mana jua.. selamat mengumpul fulus raya hoyeh!

nntikan gambar raya saya!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

vote for me!

remember this red shirt photo .. yang kononnya french look...

hehhe well mommy send my photo to for online baby photo contest

so..starting 1st october - 31st october 2006... you guys can vote for me at\Pg701.asp

no 72... scroll to my name.. Eiffel Amani bin Affindi

but hey..remember you can only vote for me once from one pc..if not i will get disqualified..


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

story to learn about

Mommy got this fowarded by her good fren aunty mayee.. tears run down while reading this peace.. she decide to share this on my blog.. do read if you have the time

At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question:

"When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?"

The audience was stilled by the query.

The father continued. "I believe,that when a child like Shay,physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes, in the way other people treat that child."Then he told the following story:

Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked,"Do you think they'll let me play?" Shay's father knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but the father also understood that if his son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.

Shay's father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play, not expecting much. The boy looked around for guidance and said, "We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning."

Shay struggled over to the team's bench put on a team shirt with a broad smile and his Father had a small tear in his eye and warmth in his heart. The boys saw the father's joy at his son being accepted. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three. In the top of the ninth inning, Shay put on a glove and played in the right field. Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as his father waved to him from the stands. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again. Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled to be next at bat.

At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible 'cause Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.

However, as Shay stepped up to the plate, the pitcher, recognizing the other team putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life, moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least be able to make contact. The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay. As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.

The game would now be over, but the pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game.

Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the head of the first baseman, out of reach of all team mates. Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling, "Shay, run to first! Run to first!" Never in his life had Shay ever ran that far but made it to first base. He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled.

Everyone yelled, "Run to second, run to second!"

Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second, gleaming and struggling to make it to second base. By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball, the smallest guy on their team, who had a chance to be the hero for his team for the first time. He could have thrown the ball to the
second-baseman for the tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions and he too intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head. Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead of him circled the bases toward home.

All were screaming, "Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay"

Shay reached third base, the opposing shortstop ran to help him and turned him in the direction of third base, and shouted, "Run to third! Shay, run to third" As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams and those watching were on their feet were screaming, "Shay, run home! Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the "grand slam" and won the game for his team.

That day, said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world.

Shay didn't make it to another summer and died that winter,having never forgotten being the hero and making his Father so happy and coming home and seeing his Mother tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

appeton achievers 2006 @ ntv7

Yay! we won!!!
Top three...

Joanna Bessey as the host
the final 6 team
fara close up..the other blue is fara team mate cream reward

farid berangan..:P

my big cousin..fara entered a new so called reality kids show called appeton achievers 2006. it was held in zoo negara for a week. the game show is like amazing race, explore race kinda things.. but this is for kids.. it was sure fun..
only 24 kids will be elected from 200 of them came for audition at the zoo.. my mom was sure fara would not be one of them.. she stand way at the back, hot, gloomy and there are so many cheerful pretty kids out there.. when they announce the final 24 .. wowww my mom and fara mom was so amazed... and then the shooting starts..
they are put in a 2 kids per team.. one senior ( age 9-11) and junior ( age 7-8).. the way they pair them is to pick a paper with numbers..and they were paired.. fara team mate is a chinese boy from kl name errrr.. tak igt laaa...
well.. each game they will eliminate 3 teams.. and unfortunately fara team was on the bottom three on the first game episode... :(
well..i spray her some of my good luck dust..and yaayy..non-elimination round...
so game after game... until down to final 6 group.. fara's team manage to stay in.. and guess wat.. she got number three at the end!! she won herself 2500 cash money, a hp personal pc ( 19 inch flat screen!!), 4 sunway lagoon tickets and appeton hamper.. wow weee..
all this will be aired beginning 24th september 2006 at ntv7 ( every saturday onward 1pm)
so... watch out for my cousin fara!! yay!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

its a fun world

Bday@Kinderland Nursery. On the left cousin mia and on the right cousin kak fara.

and yet another bday@auntie pit house. unlce mie, dad, me, mom, mia n auntie pit

travelling every morning wit mom. this is the sleeping stare ( i stare at mom when i want to sleep in the car)

The picnic gang@ putrajaya recreational waterpark.
Unlce pojie, auntie sity n indah, uncle azrai, auntie fishie n ilham, auntie cantik, auntie aeda, me n mom, uncle zizi n auntie ina.

The swimming session wit indah n ilham while picnic.

oh wow... its been so long..
today i'll post to you guys my bday pictures and of course the fun picnic trip i went wit my friend n mama fren..
some update about me.. i now officially 1 year old plus.. weight 9.2kg and 77cm tall...
i drink gainplus milk by abbott and goes to kinderland nursery in kota damansara..
so i travel everyday wit mommy..she goes to work..i go to school n work too..
we got out as early as 7 everyday... so i took my bath at 6.30am.. if i woke up will just grab me at 7 am.. and bath me at auntie pit house.. so far..i took my bath at home except once or twice.. and later pick me up.. and maybe singgah auntie pit house a while make milk and all.. then head home..arrive usually at 8.30 - 9.00 .. mom will call dad and we'll go dinner straight outside.. and on some occasion..i'll already sleep till wee in the morning comes back..
thats my usual day...
weekend will be a lot more relaxing..
oh ya.. thanks to everyone for the present...i got a cool phone from uncle zizi n auntie ina... i got a big punching playmate from abg alid.. i got adidas shoes from uncle mie.. i got a thomas ride train by auntie pit n mia.. and mom told me..there is more.. wow..i dunno bday is so much fun!
mommy said..wait till i see Raya.. heheh can't wait for raya!!
and my bday... i celebrate twice!! one at kinderland..together with all my friends.. we ate cake n gave them little goodiebag.. and went home i got another suprise bday to celebrate wit my family.. uncle mie came as he now work in proton kl.. dad also came to celebrate me at auntie pit house.. so much fun..we had cake n kfc.. yummy..
and also..i went for my first picnic trip.. we went to putrajaya for bbq picnic. mom said its kinda last minit and luckily it turn out pretty nice.. we had a lot of food n drinks and dessert and cakes and aunty sity bought swimming pool for us to swim..and auntie fishie bought a play pool for us to sunbathing huhu.. uncle pojie did all the cooking while auntie aida make fabulous food to bbq.. uncle zizi n auntie ina.. brought yummy dessert. mommy bring drinks.. plates.. and my ball.. oh.. she also organize the things.. but without her friends help..the picnic won't be a success.. yay!
next time round..i'll tell you about my new house.. yah..we're moving to a very nice house dad n mom bought even before they got married!!
yay again!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Baby Eiffel is One

gift from unker zizi n auntee iena

Same time last year... i give birth to a baby boy around 10-10am @ Putrajaya Hospital. It was one of the happiest moment to see him by my side.. he's gorgeous and perfect in everyway i imagine him would be. Thank you God for your gift to us. I cheerish every second i spent my whole year with him..and will continue so as long as u permit me to.
so mommy taking over the blog for today to wish eiffel amani bin affindi a happy first birthday. semuga eiffel membesar sebagai anak yang soleh, baik, bijak dan penyayang. i love you baby!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

H for Hello

ello friends….

Mommy bring me to clinic yesterday..
I had a fever.. Doctor said its 38.5… slight-high fever.. and he said I have some tonsil infection.. There are some white spots.. and my tonsil is very reddish.
He gave me 1 paracetamol and 1 antibiotic which I’m allowed to take.
Mommy put me on the weigh machine and its official I weigh 8.9kilo… is that good?
I’ll be 1 in exactly thirteen days from today.. I learn to stand.. And talk on handphone.. I learn a cool move dance from my cousin Mia.. We move automatically when we here some music.. Sometimes I can control myself..
Dad also came by to take care of me.. I was crying again and again cos my body seems uncomfortable and my throat soars… especially when I cried.. dad cheer me up.. mommy took care of me when I cried, auntie pit send me to clinic and uncle meor is also sick..
But this morning..i’m happy to tell you all.. I felf a bit better..with all the love they gave me last nite.. :)
Yani the maid went back for holiday in with her family in Indonesia. Hope she’s having a wonderful time..

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

botak me.

My innocent look - promo raya look.

my happy swing look - at the park; after mommy come back from work.

My confuse look - in dad's new car.. "why can't i see anything in front mommy?"

my ogre look - took a blur photo in purpose..
(actually mom trying her best to capture me in action)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

mommy n daddy take care of ur health please..

I'm very sure all of u in Malaysia atleast read about the sad story of Uncle Hani Mohsin heart attack.. Pity Karmila lost her dad in an instance infront of her.. Mommy told me , life n dead is written already in our life, we could never run away from it or change it..

anyway its always a good thing to take care of our body.. mommy said..we work for it..god decide it.. so..if we dont take care of our health..we will be sick..and thats no good. our loved one will be sad and god knows.. we might loose you too..

so to all mommy and daddy out this article taken from MSN and take care of your health ya! esp the heart..the place where we keep our love.

The Cholesterol Connection
Five foods that fight it and five that feed it.
by Sally Wadyka for MSN Health & Fitness

There’s no denying that a healthy diet is the first line of defense against rising cholesterol. “If you eat a predominantly plant-based diet—with lots of fruits and vegetables plus some fish—you are on the right track to keeping your cholesterol at a healthy level,” says Lisa Dorfman, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. That said, certain so-called super-foods can actually help lower bad cholesterol and/or increase the good cholesterol. Ideally, you want to shoot for total cholesterol under 200, with LDL (the bad one) under 110 and HDL (the good one) greater than 35.

Try to incorporate more of these foods into your daily diet:

Studies have found that eating just a quarter cup of almonds a day can lower your LDL by 4.4 percent, according to dietitian Leslie Bonci, who is also the director of sports nutrition at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “Eating nuts, especially almonds, which are high in good-for-you monounsaturated fat, is better than simply eating a low-fat snack like pretzels,” says Bonci. Of course, they can also be high in calories, so stick with a small serving and choose almonds that are dry roasted without oil.

You’ve seen the commercials with people proclaiming dramatic drops in their cholesterol numbers thanks to a daily serving of this hot cereal. Those great results are due to the high levels of soluble fiber found in oatmeal. “The soluble fiber binds to the bile acids that are the precursor to the development of cholesterol and help flush it out,” explains Bonci. It doesn’t matter how you get your oats—those instant, just-add-water packets are just as good for you as traditional, slow-cooked versions.

Omega-3 fatty acids are widely considered to be the best of the “good” fats, and the best place to find them is in fish—especially fatty fishes like salmon, halibut and tuna. According to Dorfman of the ADA, you want to get 1.5 to 3 grams per day of omega-3. A 4-ounce piece of salmon will give you close to 3 grams, and you can also get these fatty acids from walnuts and flaxseed (two tablespoons of flaxseed provides 3.5 grams) and in fish oil supplements.

Red wine:
Not everything that’s good for you has to feel virtuous. A glass of red wine, which contains flavanols, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help lower cholesterol and stave off
heart disease. But in this case, more is definitely not better. “For women, the recommendation is one drink a day and for men it’s two,” says Bonci. More than that will, literally, dilute any potential benefits. These flavanols can also be found in red grape juice and dark cocoa. For muslims mommy and daddy u can take red grape juice n dark cocoa ya.. pls dun take red wine..berdosa nnti eiffel tatau ek!

Soybeans, soy nuts and edamame, plus any
products made from soy (like tofu, soymilk, etc.) can help to reduce the production of new cholesterol. A little can go a long way—aim for about 25 grams of soy protein a day (the amount in a cup of edamame). And those who are at an increased risk of breast or prostate cancer may want to skip it since too much of soy’s phyto-estrogens can act similarly to the body’s own estrogen (which has been shown to feed some hormone-dependent tumors).

Now that you know the good stuff to add to your diet, try to reduce—or better yet, eliminate—these bad-for-you foods from your repertoire:

Whole-milk dairy products:
Saturated fat, which clogs arteries and increases LDL levels, is the No. 1 cholesterol-boosting culprit. And foods like ice cream and cheese are where you’re likely to find them. Swap out the Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby for a lower-fat frozen yogurt, and skip the brie in favor of something less rich, like a part-skim mozzarella.

Processed meats:
Bacon, sausage, liverwurst and the like are also wonderful sources of artery-clogging saturated fat. Look for lower-fat options, like bacon and sausage made from turkey and other lean protein sources.

Fast-food fries:
Even worse than saturated fats are the dreaded
trans fats. “You might as well take a gun and shoot yourself!” says Dorfman. The main source of trans fats are partially hydrogenated oils, and that’s exactly what most fast-food restaurants are still using to cook their fries. Trans fats hit cholesterol with a double whammy—in addition to raising your LDL, they simultaneously lower your HDL.

Tropical oils:
Palm kernel and coconut oils are two of the fattiest of oils—100 percent of the bad-for-you saturated variety. Don’t use them when you cook at home, and try to avoid them when you eat out (most fast-food restaurants have eliminated them, but you can check their Web sites for detailed nutritional information). Use heart-healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, like olive, canola and safflower oil, instead.

Baked goods:
Many manufacturers of packaged cookies and cakes have eliminated trans fats from their recipes, but check the
nutrition labels to be sure. But all baked goods—even those that are homemade—are high in saturated fats, thanks to the butter and shortening. Since no one wants to give up dessert completely, eat high-fat baked goods only occasionally, opting more often for low-fat sweets like sorbets.

hum..even my mommy dun take soy food..i must make her eat soy food!
a lots of hugs from eiffel.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

update update

my old frenchie look huhu!

hello everyone

hum..long quiet eh? mommy just moved to a new company..let me tell ua secret..
she actually hate the job..not the place..just the job..she is forced to do things she never like.. yeah..well some mis-communicationthere.. end up..she stuck..heh kesian her

a little about me though.. i'm now staying over temporarily at my aunty pit house.
i play wit mia everyday and yani took care of us..ya there's also fara n fared to play with us from noon onwards. mommy office is at the same building as aunty pit office .. so they go office together.. but mommy always reach home first cos she dun like stay there longer.

i now can stand but i still need to hold on something..trying my best to stand on my own..but i always land on my comfy mamy-poko bum. yeah and i'm 'merangkak-ing' now.. and faster..

oh ya and..the ugliest part is..i got a major hair-do..i no longer look like frenchy eiffel..i now look like gemok eiffel now huhu.. i never had hair this short ever in my life..i was born with blessed long hair i'm hairless err or shud i say less hair. My dad n uncle ndar did those to me while we in krai last week.

i got a new auntie rozie..who married to uncle ndar late last month.she's going back to holland to study..and uncle ndar will follow on soon.maybe i shud go there n visit them sometime..and stop by at my eiffel tower in paris..oh ya..

another bad news.. dad start new work on 1st august..after so many postpon-ing.. and that is the same day me suppose go bali with mommy gang. and plus.. mommy told me money is very tight. cos new house is ready n they need thousands of ringgit for the new house.. she just can't afford anything else.. her money burn for ticket..she is sad u know.. but she kept encouraging her friends to enjoy bali as much.. i hope money is stable later so me can go "tai tai" with me mommy n me daddy

mommy is also looking for new if u have any job to offer her please email her ya..she do web design, multimedia stuff and she like event mgmt or things like that...i think.
me.. i am okay..i dun ask for weird thing from mommy.. i understand her situation.. so i stick to my milk, porridge n mami-poko.

owh have i told u that i'll be 11 next two days? 11 month ya..not 11 years old. :P
and soon i shall have my first bday ever..but no bday party.. we'll go back jb and kenduri my arwah atuk "boot boot". he passed away a year before i exist.

hum..wat else..oh ya.. dad had to get another car cos he will work so far away from mommy n me.. they went separate road to work.. this tighten the budget. so dad bought a car called neo from uncle iwan. uncle iwan sell cars.

okay i think that would be all for now..i shall update here in the nearest time ya
meanwhile.. can u pls ask the stupid israel to stop killing kids? why arent they called terrorist when they kill innocent ppl? how cruel!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Over the rainbow - McPheeveeeerr

When all the clouds darken up the skyway
There's a rainbow highway to be found
Leading from your window pane
To a place behind the sun
Just a step beyond the rain

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why oh why can't I?